Snake Platoon Roster

This is an attempt to list all of the men who were in the 2nd Platoon, 101st Radio Research Company. It also tries to identify when they were in the platoon and when they were in any other platoon or unit in Vietnam. We have gathered these names and dates from individuals and from whatever written records we have been able to locate. Some of the dates are verified, from arrival to departure; some are estimated based on listings in rosters and orders which give us a single date, and some are speculation from other members. If you know of a correction to be made or a name to be added, please go to the Contact page and let us know.

A separate roster, for all 7th RRU and 101st RRC personnel is available at

NameSnake PlatoonOther Units in Vietnam
Ambrose, James LT10/70-10/71
Aquinas11/69-12/69HQ Plt
Arnold, Charles5/68-5/69
Askew, Lew2/67-2/68
Bachorowski, Michael5/68-5/69
Badtke, Don SFC1/68-1/69; 11/69-11/707th RRU 1965
Banuelos, Florentino "Chui"9/66-2/677th RRU 2/66-9/66; 1st Plt 6/67-1/69
Barry, Bill SSG4/70-4/71
Bates, Bernie LT6/67-6/68
Baxter, Robert1/68-1/69
Bedinger, Bo1/70-1/71
Belanger, George8/70-8/71
Berthot, Fran SSG9/69-3/707th RRu 5/65-5/66; 101st RRC 3/70-9/70
Blandin, Ron "Buddha"
Bobek, Alan11/69-1/70415th RRD (11th LIB) & 328th RRC (Americal Div) 4/67-11/69
Boehm, Fred4/69-4/70337th RRC (1st Inf) 12/67-12/68
Boyd, Bill SFC11/69-9/707th RRU 65, 3rd Plt 9/69-11/69
Braase, Randy11/69-5/70404th RRD (173d Abn) ?-11/69
Brudvik Rod6/67-12/68
Brunk, Marvin SFC10/70-11/71HQ 101st 11/71-5/72
Burkhamer, Jerry9/70-89/71
Butler, Don6/67-6/68
Caldwell, Cecil11/66-11/67
Caldwell, Rich5/67-7/68HQ Plt 7/68-12/68
Campos, Manuel SSG6/70-6/71
Carroll, Chuck SFC4/70-11/70HQ 12/69-3/70
Carstensen, Tony12/68-12/69Saigon 1973
Caylor, Larry LT67-681st Plt 68
Cheek2/69-8/69HQ Plt 8/69-2/70
Clayton, William E Jr6/68-6/69
Cohen, Steve "Critter"6/68-6/69
Cole, John "Ken"10/70-10/71
Crafton, John5/67-5/681st Plt 5/68-12/68
Cramer, Bill SP67/67-7/68
Culpepper, Philip5/68-12/69
Dalke, Robert LT9/66-5/677th RRU ?-9/66; HQ & 1st Plt 67-68
Davis, Robert E.5/67-5/681st Plt 6/68-12/68
Derra, Bruce7/67-7/681st Plt 8/68-2/69; 3rd Plt 1969
Donelson, John SSG9/66-3/68; 12/68-12/697th RRU ?-9/66
Dowhaniuk, Michael CPT10/69-4/70
Edinger, Donald1/69-2/69HQ Plt 3/69-10/69
Eisworth, Ralph "Ike" SFC9/66-3/687th RRU ?-9/66; 3rd Plt 1971
Enos, Bert SSG9/70-9/71
Erickson, Rudy4/68-4/69
Evans, Kenneth9/66-8/677th RRU 8/66; 3rd Plt 11/67-10/68
Ferguson, Joe2/67-2/68
Forsberg, George9/70-2/711st Plt 2/71-9/71
Foster, John11/69-6/70HQ 313th RRBn (IFFV) 8/67-11/69
Fowler, Brock10/70-10/71
Fraley, Bill LT4/71-11/71HQ 101st 12/71-4/72
Freeman, Randy11/69-1/70374th RRC (4th Inf) ?-11/69
Frick, Neil "Nick"68-69, 3/70-3/71
Galinski, Warren "Skip"9/66-2/697th RRU 6/66-9/66
Garin, Jim11/70-3/724/72-6/72
Gatch, Dave9/66-7/687th RRU 2/66-9/66; HQ 8/68-12/68
Giles, John9/66-677th RRU 65-9/66
Gill, Ed9/66-8/677th RRU 8/66-9/66
Glidden, Dave SSG9/68-7/69372nd RRD (25th Inf) 4/67-4-68; 3rd Plt 7/69-2/71
Golden, Rodney8/70-8/71
Gonzalez, Larry LT7/70-7/71
Goodacre, Keith3/67-5/68
Graves, Jim11/69-6/71328th RRC (Americal Div, 198th LIB) 9/68-11/69
Gulledge, Lonnie SSG7/70-7/71
Hammerstein, Robert "Skip"66-67HQ 5/68-5/69
Hammons, Raymond SSG9/66-8/687th RRU ?-9/66
Harris, Harry5/67-5/68
Hartley, Bill8/70-8/71
Hendershot, James
Hensley, Charles
Henson, Richard "Map"11/66-6/697th RRU 6/66-9/66; HQ 9/66-11/66
Hernandez, Mike5/68-12/69
Heussler, George SFC9/66-4/677th RRU ?-9/66
Hill, John9/66-4/687th RRU 8/66-9/66
Honda, Alan11/69-12/69328th RRC (Americal Div, 11th, 196th & 198th LIBs) 12/67-11/69
Hopper, Howard9/66-12/677th RRU 7/65-9/66; 3rd Plt 1/68-1/69
Hust, Joel LT2/70-2/71
Hutchison, Dean2/67-4/68
Jackson, Morris SSG10/70-10/711st Plt 71
Johnson, Tony
Jones, Bobby SSG6/70-6/71
Jones, Juan6/67-3/68HQ 3/68-6/68
Kegans, Donald9/66-12/677th RRU 10/65-9/66
Kemp, Sam SFC10/70-10/71
Kennedy, Dave 2/69-2/70
Kennedy, William LT10/69-4/70
King, Gerald11/70-5/717th RRU 7/66-9/66; 4th Plt 9/66-2/68; 3rd Plt 5/70-11/70
Klumpp, Bill11/67-11/68
Knott, Rob5/68-5/69
Kogana, Donald1/67-1/68
Kondos, Christ SSG3/69-6/694th & 1st Plts 6/69-3/70
Koob, Bob7/70-7/71328th RRC (Americal Div, 196th LIB) 10/68-10/69
Krepfle, John SFC
Kucera, Michael5/68-5/69
Kulp, Bill
Lansdown, Lynn9/66-2/687th RRU ?-9/66
Larimore, Ronald12/67-12/68
Lenten, Mike11/69-10/70265th RRC (101st Abn) ?-11/69
Lileikis, Ed11/69-1/71404th RRD (173rd Abn) ?-11/69
Little, Mark5/68-5/69
Lorance, Al SFC1/70-10/70Advisor 3 Corps, 1st Plt, Advisor I Corps 5/67-6/68; 3rd & 4th Plts 10/69-1/70
Lovelace, John SSG4/68-4/69
Magee, Leroy11/69-4/70?-11/69
Maldonado, John2/70-2/713rd Plt 5/68-5/69
Manning, Wayne9/66-10/677th RRU 8-9/66
Markham, Stanley12/66-12/68
Martin, Casimir SSG9/66-9/677th RRU ?-9/66
Marty, Larry4/68-12/68; 3/70-3/714th Plt 2/68-4/68; 265th RRC (101st Abn) 12/68-11/69; Saigon 1973
McCann, John9/66-11/677th RRU 6/65-9/66
McCarley, Mac6/68-6/69
McKim, Brad12/68-11/693rd Plt 7/70-6/71
Messick, Roger66-67HQ 6/68-6/69
Miller, Sammy9/66-12/667th RRU 5/65-9/66; 1st Plt 6/67-7/68
Mitkos, Leslie11/69-7/70?-11/69
Monuteaux, Larry1/67-1/69
Morgan, Forrest4/68-4/69
Moses, Mike8/70-8/71
Mullican, Roy3/69-3/70
Muse, Roland "Moose"6/69-12/694th & HQ Plts 12/68-6/69
Naughton, Harry7/69-7/70; 11/70-10/71
Nelson, Thomas SP68/70-8/71
Nett, Paul11/69-3/71328th RRC (Americal Div, 196th LIB) 8/68-11/69
Notter, Ed SFC12/67-7/68HQ Plt 7/68-12/68; 1st & 4th Plt 69-70
Nowak, Gary5/67-7/68265th RRC (101st Abn) 7/68-11/68
Nyehart, Charles8/70-8/71
Ott, David6/68-6/69
Pappas, Peter LT10/69-2/70101st 3/70-10/70
Parker, John6/67-5/681st Plt 6/68-12/68
Pawling2/69-8/69HQ Plt 8/69-2/70
Peart, John9/68-11/69HQ 303rd RRBn 1/67-12/67
Payton, Israel11/69-2/70?-11/69
Pilcher, Jim8/70-8/71
Potochar, Stan3/69-9/71
Randolph, John "Ironman"9/69-3/724/72-5/72
Rausch, Pat7/70-7/71328th RRC (Americal Div) 8/68-8/69
Reed, Bob SSG66-673rd Plt 68
Reichart, Paul4/68-4/69
Reynolds, Dane11/68-11/69
Richter, Lee9/66-1/677th RRU 1/66-9/66
Rollins, Steve4/70-4/71
Rose, Bob9/66-10/677th RRU ?-11/66
Sakamoto, Richard CPT4/70-1/71HQ 101st 1/70-4/70
Saltar, John SSG67
Sanada, Glenn12/70-12/71
Sawyer, Paige7/70-10/713rd Plt 3/69-10/69; 1st Plt 11/69-3/70
Schantz, Dan
Scott, James SSG4/70-4/71
Serrels, Howard "Skip"9/66-6/677th RRU 6/66-9/66
Sexton, John5/67-5/68
Shappie, James3/67-3/68
Shelton, Jimmy4/70-6/714th Plt 11/67-11/68
Shervey, Eric11/66-6/683rd Plt 3/69-12/69
Shirley, David12/68-12/69
Shivers, Doug10/69-3/70HQ & 3rd Plts 3/70-2/71
Skantz, Conrad, LT12/68-11/69HQ 11/69-12/69
Smith, Barney12/68-5/71
Smith, Billy SSG68-69
Smith, Charles3/70-3/71371st RRC (1st Cav) 9/68-9/69
Smith, Gary SSG4/68-4/69
Smith, Larry9/70-9/71
Southard, Sid SSG3/71-9/71337th RRC & 11th RRU (1st Inf) 7/65-7/66; 3rd Plt 10/70-3/71
Sparhler, Troy SP66969-70
Spinner, Bill2/67-7/68
Sprock, Frank2/70-2/71
Staley, Larry12/66-7/68
Stanek, William5/68-5/69
Steele, John SP611/69-1/70HQ 313th RRBn (IFFV) ?-11/69
Stoffer, Darryl3/70-3/71
Thomas, Bob6/70-6/71
Thomas, Don9/70-9/71
Thompson, Mike11/69-2/71Hq Plt 68, 403rd SOD (5th SF Gp) 7/68-11/69
Van Guilder, Rod SSG2/69-9/707th RRU 10/65-2/66, Det 1 68
Van Heuven, Gerald "Jay"67-68HQ 5/68-5/69
Vane, William E12/68-12/69
Vaughn, Joed12/67-12/68
Wade, Charles "Chuck"12/66-12/673rd Plt 3/69-3/70
Wagner, Dave "Wags"11/69-2/71374th RRC (4th Inf) ?-11/69
Watson, Dave7/67-7/69
Way, VinceHQ Plt 68
Weinhold, Robert7/67-7-68
Weltha, Gary4/68-469
Whiteaker, Cecil1/68-1/69
Wierth, Dean4/68-4/69
Wiggins, Fred9/66-?7th RRU ?-9/66, HHC 509th RRGp 2/67
Wiggs, Willie66-687th RRU 66
Wilks, Ken11/66-12/677th RRU 6/66-9-66; HQ Plt 1/68; 45th MI 4/71-2/72
Williamson, Mike LT6/68-11/684th Plt 1/68-6/68; HQ 101st 11/68-9/69
Windsor, Gerald10/70-6/711st Plt 6/71-10/71
Wines, Henry "Buzz" SFC7/70-7/71
Yohn, Tom3/69-9/69; 6/70-8/711st Plt 9/69-6/70
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