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Get in Touch with Old COMSEC Friends

Veterans of the 101st Radio Research Company (and friends) are invited to visit, join, and contribute to the Facebook pages, “COMSEC,” “101st Radio Research Company,” and “Friends of the 101st Radio Research Company.”
After 20 years, the COMSEC and COMSECLight Groups at Yahoo! are gone because Yahoo! has chosen to discontinue this unprofitable venue. Never Fear! Chui Banuelos has come through, as always, and set up two new meeting places/forums/whatever at https://groups.google.com. Go there, either login or set up a new Google account, seek out the COMSEC/SIGSEC and/or OpenmikeCOMSEC group, and request to be admitted as a member. COMSEC/SIGSEC is for civil conversation only, with no discussion of religion, politics, or sexual orientation. On OpenmikeCOMSEC, there is no such restriction. We’ll be looking for you!

Not-so-Light Reading

Jerry Hoefle, a former ASA COMSEC Analyst who served with the 101st RRC, has put some interesting (and very deep) documents on the internet. The first is a History of COMSEC, a student handout from the US Army Intelligence School at Ft. Devens, MA. The other is entitled “Working Against the Tide” and is divided into Part 1 and Part 2. This document addresses the issues encountered in the COMSEC mission in Southeast Asia and was originally classified Top Secret – NOFORN.

Recommended Reading (Books About ASA)

WE SERVED IN SILENCE, by Glenn Fanning, addresses ASA in Europe during the Cold War.
ONE TO COUNT CADENCE, by James Crumley, is an entertaining work of fiction, with some truth to it, about a COMSEC team which is deployed to Vietnam.
UNLIKELY WARRIORS: THE ARMY SECURITY AGENCY’S SECRET WAR IN VIETNAM 1961-1973, by Lonnie M. Long and Gary B. Blackburn….. Well, the title is self-explanatory.

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